Training & Leadership DevelopmentIndividual and corporate Leadership development planning and achievement is all about creating the framework for long-term goal achievement, then thinking through the process of how to get there, and implementing the program.
*** However, before we can zero-in on what is needed, and a specific program to achieve those results, it is important to reflect on the here and now...the opportunities available for greater leadership growth and other factors that may impact goal attainment. *** Mabbs Robinson employs SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis, Opportunity Analysis and other proven processes to define, plan, and implement individualized programs to meet your specific individual and corporate needs. *** Who you are, your employees, your products, your services and other environmental factors combined all speak to your target market in one way or another. The Mabbs Robinson Team will work with you every step of the way in the development and implementation of your leadership Plan. We'll help you ensure your leadership programs and what is being communicated is congruent, trackable, measurable and managed in ways that drive ROI and support Organizational objectives. We also offer Leadership Coaching and person focused Mentor Coaching.